Step 1: Implement eLearning successfully

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Do you have the vision to impart knowledge in your company by means of eLearning? Your goal is to strengthen your learning culture and ensure that your employees – and possibly even your business partners and customers – stay up to date regardless of location? Do you want to improve your training processes with the help of new technologies and digital solutions? At the same time, do you want your training projects to be as cost-effective as possible?

This article will help you to successfully introduce eLearning. Let’s look together at what matters for you and your learning organization! We will guide you step by step on the journey to a relevant and successful eLearning offering for your organization, tailored to its needs and requirements.

The first step is to find out if eLearning with a Learning Management System (LMS) is the right strategy for you. This is the basis for your further planning. 

1. Five good reasons for eLearning

There are several reasons why eLearning is a good investment and why an LMS can be a good investment to realize eLearning projects. This infographic summarizes our top 5. Which of these areas is most important to your personal learning strategy? Often, several aspects play a role simultaneously.

Offer your employees training that is flexible in terms of time and location and can be accessed and used at any time. Take advantage of the possibility to react quickly to changes in learning and work processes and thus increase the adaptability of your company, e.g. for recertification. Automatic test evaluations and reporting allow you to easily track the educational status and progress of your participants. Once set up, you can adapt the content cost-effectively, use a variety of materials to make it entertaining for different learning groups, and distribute it in a scalable way for different numbers of participants. Individually designed eLearning can also ensure satisfied employees in your company.

In our feature overview, which you can download here, we have listed the five most important benefits of eLearning once again in detail. 

2. Develop your eLearning strategy

Introducing an eLearning strategy is a financial and time investment process, and it is usually based on the general corporate strategy (human resources). Therefore, it is important to define for yourself which specific goals you want to realize with the help of eLearning. So what purpose should eLearning serve in your company? Examples are: Keeping your employees, but also external stakeholders, up to date, be it in the areas of occupational health and safety, compliance, data security or product innovations. Or maybe your goal is to reduce the cost of training, or to set up a platform that gives your employees the opportunity to train independently on various topics at any time, the keyword being “learning on demand”.

An eLearning platform can even go so far as to establish a so-called “knowledge hub” for knowledge management within the company – a central location where information is shared across departmental boundaries within the company. Individual implementation options can motivate participants to become personally involved and thus ensure the long-term success of their company.

How should participant management be regulated? Are there different target groups such as departments or responsibilities that need to be addressed differently? It is important to incorporate the learning needs and expectations of these groups into the planning of the eLearning strategy. Should the members be managed centrally or are there several responsible persons who need corresponding management rights?

It is also important to determine how interactive you want your eLearning to be. Will there be tests and quizzes? Should participants be able to interact with each other, for example via comments and messages?

Tip: Put all your goals in writing and discuss them with as many people as possible in advance. 

3. Our “Ready for eLearning?” course

The project is in place, and so are the plans, but are you really ready to implement eLearning in your company? Our interactive course will guide you through the first steps of planning: from the initial training plan, to learning materials, and to knowledge retrieval. And along the way, you’ll determine how close you are to creating your own eLearning. 

Ready to implement eLearning?

To the self-assessment

Annika Willers

Internal Communication Manager

Annika Willers

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